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North Carolina Sees Springtime Rise in Fatal Auto Accidents

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

With auto accidents in North Carolina and across the U.S., it is beneficial for lawmakers, law enforcement and automakers to understand what causes a crash. This can help with formulating strategies to prevent them. Some issues are unforeseen and it can be difficult to address them for road safety. The current health crisis across the U.S. is one such situation. It is important to consider these factors after a person has been injured or a family has lost a loved one in a crash.

Statistics say that fatal auto accidents are far worse in 2020 than in 2019

A recent report from the National Safety Council says that North Carolina is one of the states that has seen a rise in fatal auto accidents in 2020. Also, there has been a steady increase in road fatalities in general. The NSC research shows that May saw a 23.5% increase in national road fatalities when compared to 2019. This happened despite miles driven dropping by around 25%. There was an overall drop in fatal accidents of 8%. Still, when comparing the number of miles driven from 2019 to 2020, there was a statistical increase.

North Carolina among the states with a worrisome increase in fatalities

While North Carolina is on the lower end of the spectrum with an increase in fatal accidents on its roadways at 6%, it is a problem that is stoking concern. Other states had massive increases including New Hampshire at 63% and Connecticut at 39%. It is believed that drivers who are on roadways with less traffic are feeling emboldened to drive well above the speed limit. When that is combined with the lack of enforcement and other potentially dangerous behaviors such as driving under the influence, distracted driving and different types of recklessness, it is setting the stage for collisions.

Advice in seeking compensation for injuries after auto accidents may be key

With the country beginning to reopen and return to some semblance of normalcy, there will be an increase in road volume. Commuters, people heading back to school, and those on their way to leisure activities like racing events and vacations should be cognizant of the dangers they may face. Motor vehicle accidents can lead to financial challenges, the inability to work, people needing extensive medical care and a dramatically changed life. A fatal accident has worse consequences. A legal filing might be necessary to be adequately compensated. For help with accumulating evidence and taking the necessary steps to file a claim, consulting with an experienced and caring local firm may be essential from the start.