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The Role of Discovery in Business Litigation | Business Litigation Attorney in Mooresville, NC

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Business Law

a hand signing a contract with the words The Role of Discovery in Business Litigation on it

By L. Charles Grimes, Esq.

In the vast landscape of business litigation, a critical yet often unexplained stage is the discovery process. Clients can learn what it is and what to expect during this stage.

This pre-trial procedure allows both sides to uncover relevant facts, assemble evidence, and devise litigation strategies. Understanding the role and impact of discovery is vital for any business owner navigating through significant litigation. 

What is Discovery?

Discovery is a legal process used to gather information pertinent to the case. Occurring before the trial, it is essentially an exchange of relevant information and evidence between the opposing parties. This can involve written questions, document requests, depositions (verbal questions answered under oath), and sometimes physical or mental examinations. It’s designed to prevent a surprise at trial and allow both sides to know what to expect.

What is the Importance of Discovery in Business Litigation?

The discovery process can often be extensive in business litigation due to the complex nature of corporate disputes. The process is designed to level the playing field and ensure all parties can access the same information, promoting fairness in the ensuing litigation.

One of the crucial benefits of discovery is that it enables each side to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their case. By uncovering all relevant facts, parties can determine whether their position is as strong as initially believed or if potential issues could undermine their case.

Moreover, discovery allows parties to gather evidence to support their claims or defenses. This could include contracts, email correspondence, financial records, or other documents that bolster their case.

Finally, discovery can contribute to settlement negotiations. By revealing both sides’ evidence, discovery often promotes settlements by providing a realistic picture of what to expect at trial.

How Does Discovery Affect Strategy in Business Litigation?

The information unearthed during discovery heavily influences the legal strategy in a business litigation case. Based on the facts and evidence, attorneys can adjust their approach to best advocate for their client’s interests. This could involve shifting the focus of the case, choosing to emphasize certain pieces of evidence over others, or even reconsidering settlement options.

For instance, if the discovery process reveals critical evidence supporting the opposing party’s case, the attorney may advise the client to consider a settlement rather than risk a loss at trial. Conversely, suppose the discovery process uncovers strong evidence supporting the client’s case. In that case, the attorney might proceed to go rather than settle.

Discovery also influences an attorney’s arguments at trial and the witnesses they might call. For instance, if an email chain unearthed during discovery shows an opponent making contradicting statements, it would likely affect the attorney’s approach and which witnesses to bring forward. Read this article to dive deeper and understand the discovery process.


The discovery phase of a business case is a necessary stage and an essential instrument for creating winning litigation strategies and promoting justice in the dispute resolution process. Discovery affects the litigation’s path and frequently has a considerable impact on how the case is ultimately resolved by highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of a case. This always holds true, from an early settlement to the conclusion of a protracted trial, but especially when discovery reveals that one party’s case is weak. Therefore, knowing how to conduct discovery is one of the many essential litigation methods that must be considered. Although the process can be drawn-out and occasionally tricky, professional lawyers can handle it easily, ensuring that all pertinent information is revealed and used wisely to the client’s advantage.

To read more from L. Charles Grimes, business litigation lawyer in Mooresville, NC, check out the blog post: The Power of a Phone Call.