Automobiles are popular in Mooresville and the nearby areas of North Carolina. With the attention paid to NASCAR and other activities, this is no surprise. Even with that, the ongoing circumstances in the state and across the nation with the pandemic have led to...
Grimes Yeoman PLLC
Before You File a Property Damage Claim After a Car Accident, Read This!
After experiencing an injury in a car accident, your first priority should be your recovery. The last thing you want to do is haggle with your insurance company over property damage. However, it is important to know that property damage and personal injury claims...
Emotional Distractions Cause Increased Car Crashes in 2020
The past year has been a difficult one for everyone across the country. Many lost loved ones, others lost their jobs, schools were closed and businesses shut down. There were stay in place orders, curfews and those who had nonessential jobs had to work from home. All...
What are the Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury?
When a person in Mooresville suffers a sudden, violent hit to the head, this can result in a traumatic brain injury. Some common causes of traumatic brain injuries include falls, motor vehicle accidents, acts of violence and sports injuries. A severe traumatic brain...
What are the Dangers and Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving?
We all aim to get a good night’s sleep, but sometimes that simply does not happen. Other times we have to spend many hours in a row at the wheel or at night when we would usually be in bed. However, drowsiness can have a major impact on our ability to drive safely,...
Drunk Driving Remains a Threat on North Carolina’s Roads
Although the number of deaths related to drunk driving crashes has declined there are still far too many deadly accidents that are alcohol-related. Statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that in 2019, just over 10,140 people...
How Emotions Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case
The traumatic experience of being injured in an accident or dealing with the death or injury of a loved one after an accident can affect your daily life in many ways. At Grimes Yeoman, we understand that our personal injury clients are dealing with not just physical...
Heavy Costs Associated with Traumatic Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury is a serious form of personal injury that can result in lifelong disabilities or death. When a North Carolina resident suffers a traumatic brain injury, it is possible that their future will be forever altered by the harm they sustained....
Excessive Speed Blamed for Accident that Killed Three
Establishing the cause of a motor vehicle accident can be a time-consuming task, but occasionally, experienced police officers can assess fault without taking any significant time. Oftentimes, the post-accident position of the vehicles or debris can tell a story that...
Risk Abounds on Lake Norman Roads this Holiday Season
The holiday season is here, and while it may look different than in years past, people in Lake Norman area may still find themselves driving more than usual, as they do their shopping and attend small celebrations. However, the winter holidays present an increase risk...
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